Special Privileges
Unlock a world of perks and privileges when you stay with us. From exclusive discounts to special services, take advantage of numerous benefits designed to enhance your experience and make your stay truly unforgettable.
Booking Direct Privileges
Enjoy exclusive privileges when you book directly with us!
Delight in a complimentary afternoon tea, indulge with an up to 30% discount on laundry services & 18% off on food and beverages, and get a free honeymoon set up to make your stay even more special.
Terms and Conditions:
Complimentary afternoon tea with selected room types:
- The Phinisi Suite
- The Presidential Suite
F&B Discount (Excluding alcohol beverages):
- 15% OFF if your are staying for 1-4 nights
- 18% OFF if you are staying min. 5 nights
Laundry Discount (Stay longer get more discount):
- 20% OFF if you are staying for 1-4 nights
- 30% OFF if you are staying for min. 5 nights
Complimentary honeymoon setup (simple decorations) available for all room types.